Posted by Ken Clarkson ( to compgeom-discuss, May 14, 1996
I'd like to follow up on the discussion begun by Komei Fukuda and David Avis. Like Nina Amenta, I'm pleased (hey, thrilled) to see compgeom-discuss actually used to discuss something. Among other points, Avis and Fukuda make the following observations:
  1. The asymptotic worst-case complexity of an algorithm is not always a good indicator of its performance in practice.

  2. Geometric algorithms that are good in low dimension are not necessarily good in high dimension.
These issues are very important, and I'm glad that Avis and Fukuda have brought them up. I agree with their general outlook, but I disagree with some details in their discussion. In general, I'd like to follow up and expand on Nina's comments.

Convex hulls

Avis and Fukuda suggest that these points are particularly relevant in the areas of linear programming and convex hulls. For convex hulls, they support point (2) with the beautiful and important results of (Avis,Bremner,Seidel,, where various problem instances show that some convex hull algorithms can have a running time greatly out of proportion to their output size, for some classes of convex hull problems in dimension as low as 8. While a few of the problem instances arose in practice, the bulk of the results in the paper, both theoretical and empirical, seem to be worst-case constructions. Thus many results in the paper are contrary in spirit to point (1).

I'm skeptical that convex hull problems in dimension higher than 8 have great significance in practice, compared to those in lower dimension; this may be, of course, because effective algorithms weren't available for the higher dimensional problems. However, most of those who have expressed interest in, or used, my hull code have wanted to compute Delaunay triangulations in two or three dimensions. I think this is true also for the very much larger group of users of qhull. The question here is: in what dimensional regime do "important" convex hull problems lie? It would be helpful to have a collection of convex hull problem instances, arising in practice, with which to compare algorithms and to help answer these questions.

Avis and Fukuda contrast asymptotic worst-case complexity with output-sensitive bounds, and note that the worst-case optimal complexity of O(n^\floor{d/2}) held by some convex hull algorithms is so much higher than the output size for practical problems as to be irrelevant. I think it's worth mentioning here a long-known bound for some randomized algorithms that is not output-sensitive, but may have some relation to practice. Some randomized convex hull algorithms take time on the order of

n sum_{1\leq r\leq n} d^2 f_r/r^2,
where f_r is the expected complexity of the convex hull of a random subset of size r. (More precisely, f_r bounds the complexity of a triangulation of the convex hull, cf. Avis and Fukuda's problem CH4.) I believe that for many convex hull problems arising in practice, f_r is O(r) or even o(r), giving an expected running time of O(n log n). While it is quite easy to concoct problem instances where f_r is Omega(r) but the output size is O(1), I think that nature is not usually as perverse as that. Again, however, I really don't know.

I agree that in very high dimensions, such randomized algorithms based on beneath/beyond methods may not competitive with output-sensitive algorithms. I would also not be surprised to find that parts of these randomized algorithms could be replaced by heuristic procedures such as bucketing, and be somewhat faster. However, the relationship between theory and practice for these algorithms is much less problematic than Avis and Fukuda suggest. The algorithms are simple and are not significantly slower than more complicated algorithms that use heuristics, even for problem instances for which the heuristics work well.

Finally, I see no reason to consider different algorithms, for different dimensional regimes, to be in competition.

Linear programming

Avis and Fukuda imply that work in computational geometry on linear programming has failed to consider dependence on the dimension. As Amenta observed, this is not the case. Indeed, I know of no such work that has not included explicit expressions for dimensional dependence. More than one person has suggested that a bound of mine for linear programming,
\[O(n d^2)+(\log n)O(d)^{d/2+O(1)}+O(d^4\sqrt{n}\log n),\]
gives just a little bit too much detail on the dependence on the dimension d. Note that the dependence on d here is not huge, and the exponential dependence on d follows from a worst-case bound for the simplex method; in practice, this bound can be replaced by a low-degree polynomial.

Avis and Fukuda suggest that in contrast to work in computational geometry, most researchers in linear programming are more interested in greater understanding of the interior-point and simplex methods. It's worth mentioning that at least three algorithms from CG can be viewed as versions of the simplex algorithm with particular pivoting rules: a recursive one of mine, and the algorithms of Kalai, and of Matousek, Sharir, and Welzl; the latter amazing algorithms are the only provably subexponential simplex algorithms known. Note that this work comes out of the discrete and computational geometry communities, and is the only progress toward a provably polynomial-time simplex algorithm.

I agree that low-dimensional linear programming is much less important than the general case. However, the above algorithms, and many others proposed in the CG literature, are applicable in the general case. They have the added "insurance" that they are provably fast when n>>d. It would be valuable to have a collection of problem instances for low-dimensional linear programming that have arisen in practice; if it's hard to come up with such a set, that would simply be evidence against the practical importance of the problem. It would certainly be of interest to determine the relative speed of CG algorithms and simplex algorithms with various pivoting rules. My own limited experience suggests that modest speedups are possible with randomized algorithms; the programming overhead is quite small.


To conclude: I agree with points (1) and (2), but disagree with Avis and Fukuda's statement that low-dimensional linear programming and convex hulls "have not been solved in any realistic way" in the computational geometry literature. I agree with their general points about the importance of practical impact, the need to think carefully about the models of computation we use in theory, and the importance of working on algorithmic problems that actually come up in applications.

As I mentioned twice, a library of problem instances would useful. If I feel foolish enough, I'll volunteer to maintain such a library; I'm sure that several groups have some good instances already.


© Copyright 1996 Ken Clarkson. Reproduced with permission.