Posted to TheoryNet March 7, 1995:


                Second Real Numbers and Computers Conference
                Seconde Conference Nombres Reels et Ordinateurs
                                  Avril April

-Informations:    Jean-Claude Bajard                                      -
-                   e-mail :                      -
-                                                                           -
-Web :                              -

        - Presentation
        - Domaines couverts - Topics
        - Conference inscription - Inscription a la conference
        - Housing - Sejour


The first "real numbers and computers" conference (St-Etienne, April 1995)
was succesful.  Many mathematicians or computer scientits are interested
by this domain.  Thus we propose a second edition of this conference in
Marseille, France, in  April 9-11, 1996.

La premiere conference "Les Nombres Reels et l'Ordinateur" qui a eu lieu
a Saint-Etienne (France) les 4-5-6 avril 1995, fut un succes.  L'interet
que portent nos collegues Informaticiens et mathematiciens a ce domaine
n'est plus a prouver.  Ainsi, nous vous proposons une deuxieme edition de
cette conference a Marseille les 9-11 avril 1996.

Efficient handling of real numbers in a computer is not yet solved in a
satisfying way.  The "floating point" formats most often used in scientific
computing usually give sufficient results, but some reliability problems
can occur.  Program portability problems could imply some rewriting costs:
some programs which work well with a machine, could become unreliable with
another one.  Users (working on computer algebra, algorithmic geometry) may
need far more accurate results (even "exact results") than the ones
obtained with usual number systems.  Many members of the scientific
community are concerned by this problem, they could share their knowledge
and come up with solutions.  But they do not have the opportunity to meet,
they do not belong to the same scientific fields (computer science, number
theory, numerical analysis, computer algebra) and they have a different
vocabulary.  The aim is to put them together during this meeting (the "rule
of the game" should be that everybody should speak a common language), in
order to establish some collaborations.

La manipulation efficace des nombres reels en machine est un probleme qui
n'est pas encore resolu de maniere satisfaisante.  Les formats "virgule
flottante" employes le plus souvent en calcul scientifique donnent en
general satisfaction mais posent parfois des problemes de fiabilite.  Des
problemes de portabilite des programmes peuvent egalement entrainer des
couts de reecriture non negligeables: un programme qui fonctionnait de
maniere satisfaisante sur une machine peut ne plus fonctionner sur une
autre.  Des utilisateurs (en calcul formel, en geometrie algorithmique,
etc.) peuvent egalement desirer un resultat bien plus precis que celui
fourni par les standards usuels de representation des nombres, voire meme
un resultat "exact".  De nombreux membres de la communaute scientifique
sont concernes par ce probleme, et pourraient enrichir mutuellement leurs
connaissances et elaborer des solutions originales, ils ont helas peu de
contacts car ils appartiennent a des disciplines tres differentes
(informatique, theorie des nombres, analyse numerique, calcul formel), et
ont des "vocabulaires" divers.  Le but est de les reunir quelques jours
lors de cette conference (la "regle du jeu" etant que chacun doit
s'efforcer de parler un langage accessible aux autres), afin de permettre
d'amorcer des collaborations.

 Domaines couverts - Topics

 -Algorithms and architectures for  "serial" and "on line" arithmetic.
 -Relations between number theory, automata theory  and computer arithmetic.
 -Number systems
 -Floating point arithmetic
 -Symbolic manipulation of numbers
 -Algorithms for "exact" computing
 -Multi-precision, interval arithmetic
 -Accuracy problems in  various fields (geometry, physics,...), and proposed

 -Algorithmes et architectures pour l'arithmetique "serie" et "en ligne".
 -Relations entre la theorie des nombres, la theorie des automates
 et l'arithmetique des ordinateurs.
 -Systemes de representation des nombres
 -Arithmetique "virgule flottante"
 -Manipulation symbolique des nombres.
 -Algorithmes pour le calcul "exact".
 -Multi-precision, arithmetique d'intervalles.
 -Problemes de precision dans differents domaines (geometrie, physique,
 imagerie...) et solutions proposees.

Programme - Program

 Mardi 9 Avril - Tuesday 9th April:
  9h00-10h00    Acceuil des participants - Welcome of the participants

 10h00-11h00    Invite -Invited talk: non confirme - not confirmed

 11h15-12h00    Yamine AIT-AMEUR, "Increasing the Accuracy of
                Numeric Programs on the Basis of a Program Analysis
                Technique" - " Augmenter la precision des
                programmes numeriques sur la base d'une technique d'analyse
                de programme" , Universite de Poitiers, France.

 12h00-13h30    Dejeuner - Lunch

 13h30-15h00    Andre LIEUTER, "Une Formalisation du besoin d'algorithmes
                robustes en geometrie" - "A formalisation of need of robust
                algorithms for geometry", MATRA DATAVISION Vitrolles

                Dominique MICHELUCCI, "Arithmetic Issues in Geometric
                Computations" - "Solutions arithmetiques en calcul
                geometrique", Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France.

 15h00-15h15    Pause cafe - Coffee break

 15h15-16h45    Bernard GOOSSENS and  Dac Thang VU, "Une unite RISC pour les
                entiers et les flottants" - "An integer and floating point
                RISC unit" LITP-IBP Paris France.

                Marc DAUMAS, "Propagation et absorption des erreurs d'arrondi
                dans une chaine de multiplications" - "Rounding errors
                propagation and absorption in chained multiplications",
                LIP-ENS Lyon,France.

Mercredi 10 Avril - Wednesday 10th April:

 9h00-10h00     Invite Invited Talk: Klaus WEIHRAUCH, "A foundation of
                computable analysis" - "Un fondement pour  une analyse
                FernUniversitat Hagen, Germany.

 10h00-10h30    Pause cafe - Coffee break

 10h30-12h00    Asger NIELSEN and Jean-Michel MULLER "Borrow-Save  adders
                for real and complex number systems" - "Additionneurs
                "Borrow-Save" pour systemes reels et complexes", Odense
                 University, Denmark.

                Vasco BRATTKA and Peter HERTLING"Feasible Real Random Access
                Machines" - "Machines a acces aleatoire reel realisables",
                FernUniversitat Hagen, Germany.

 12h00-13h30    lunch

 13h30-15h15    Invite - Invited Talk: non confirme - not confirmed

                Alexandre VAJENINE, "Implementing Exact Calculations in
                Parallel Computers" - "Implementer des calculs exacts sur
                machine parallele", Novosibirsk, Russia.

 15h15-15h30    Pause cafe - Coffee break

 15h30-17h00    Table ronde - Panel Session

 20h00          Diner - Dinner

Jeudi 11 Avril - Thursday 11th April:

 9h00-10h       Invite - Invited Talk: Jean VIGNES, "A Probabilistic Approach
                to the Analysis of Round-off Errors: A Survey of the CESTAC
                Method" - "Un approche probalistique  des erreurs d'arrondi:
                Une vue d'ensemble de la methode CESTAC", MASI IBP Paris, France

 10h00-10h15    Pause Cafe - Coffee break

 10h15-12h00    Fabrice NATIVEL and Philippe LANGLOIS, "Reduction automatique
                des erreurs d'arrondi en arithmetique a virgule flottante" -
                "Automatic reduction of round-off errors in floating-point arith
                Universite de la Reunion, France.

                Fabienne JEZEQUEL, "Propagation de l'erreur d'arrondi lors
                de la resolution de l'equation des ondes" - "Round-off errors
                propagation in resolving waves equation" MASI IBP Paris -

 12h00-13h30    Dejeuner - Lunch

Conference inscription - Inscription a la conference
More informations are available on internet - Des informations
complementaires sont accessibles sur internet :

The following form should be filled and sent (preferably by e-mail) so
that we receive it before March 15th:

Jean-Claude Bajard
C.M.I. - Universite de Provence
39 Rue F. Joliot-Curie
13453 Marseille Cedex 13


Please send this form even if you plan to pay on site.


SURNAME Mr  Ms  (1) :.........................................

Given Name          :.........................................

Institution         :.........................................
Mailing address     :.........................................


Phone number    : ............................................
Fax             : ............................................
e-mail          : ............................................

() I send this form with a cheque of :

        () 450 FF       () 550 FF

        () 650 FF       () 750 FF

() I will pay (Registration after the 15th March) on site (cash or cheque)

IMPORTANT: We cannot accept credit cards. French cheques or international
cheques in french francs are accepted. The order is "Universite de


The registration fees are :

                    Not students           Students

Before March 15         550 FF              450 FF

After  March 15         750 FF              650 FF

(1) Please cross out when inappropriate.

Housing - Sejour
More informations are available on internet - Des informations
complementaires sont accessibles sur internet :

    - Housed persons at CIRM - personnes logees au CIRM
    - Not housed persons at CIRM - Personnes non logees au CIRM

    Housed person - Personne logees

Because of the distance between the conference site and the center of Marseille
it is recommanded to stay on site.

Etant donne l'eloignement du site du centre-ville, il est recommande de
loger sur place.


This form should reach before March 15 :

Jean-Claude Bajard
C.M.I. - Universite de Provence
39 Rue F. Joliot-Curie
13453 Marseille Cedex 13



Conference : Second Real Numbers and Computers Conference
Organizers : J.P. Allouche, J.C. Bajard, L.S. Didier, P. Liardet
Dates : 9-10-11 April 1996

SURNAME Mr  Ms  (1) :.........................................

Given Name          :.........................................

Institution         :.........................................
Mailing address     :.........................................


Phone number    : ............................................
Fax             : ............................................
e-mail          : ............................................

Arrival day     : ............................................

Departure day   : ............................................

Do you wish to have a cold meal  Monday evening   ?
    Yes   o    -  No    o

Do you prefer  :
    -a single room  o
    -a double room  o

Are you coming :
    -by plane       o
    -by train       o
    -by car         o

If necessary, would you accept to share a double roomwith another
participant ? :
        Yes   o    - No     o

In case you already know, with whom ::..........................


    The C.I.R.M. is opened from Monday between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. to
Saturday morning after breakfast (under request, a cold meal may be
preparedfor Monday evening). For participants, the price for the full
board which is compulsory is 264 FF (single room) and 226 FF (double room)
per person per day. Uneaten meals are not reimbursed.
    The  price of  the full  board  for  non participants is  306  FF
or 284 FF per day  (please do not come with children).
    Payment for living expenses  is requested on Tuesday between 2 and 4 p.m.
VISA and Mastercard are accepted, as well as Eurocheques or Traveller's
Cheques in FF.
    This registration form must be sent back (by post, e-mail or fax)
completely filled before (1 month before), deadline for registrations.
After that, it will impossible to register, even for invited speakers. We
don't accept any registrations by phone.

Notice : you can be connected from the CIRM to TELNET, but you need to
know the IP number of your own device or its symbolic name.
(1) Please cross out when inappropriate.

    Not housed persons - Personnes non logees



Colloque : "Seconde Conference Nombres Reels et Ordinateurs"
Dates : 9-10-11 Avril 1996
Organisateurs : J.P. Allouche, J.C. Bajard, L.S. Didier, P. Liardet

NOM  (M  Mme  Mlle) (1) : ....................................
Prenom                  : ....................................

Organisme               : ....................................
Adresse postale         : ....................................

Telephone   : ................................................
Fax         : ................................................
E-Mail      : ................................................

N.B.- Il est indispensable  de repondre a toutes les questions qui

Date  d'arrivee  : ...........................................
Dates  de depart : ...........................................

Comme participant au colloque, vous etes considere comme prenant tous vos
repas au CIRM. Si, a titre exceptionnel ce n'est pas le cas, veuilllez
remplir avec exactitude la grille ci-dessous, faute de quoi tous les repas
vous seront factures.

Repas pris au C.I.R.M. (le prix du repas est fixe a 45 F en 1996) :

                        Lu. Ma. Me. Je. Ve.
           Midi  (1)     O   O  O   O   O
           Soir  (1)     O   O  O   O   O

Le paiement des repas a lieu le mardi entre 14h et 16h.

Formulaire a renvoyer des que possible et en tout cas avant
le 15 Mars 1996 a  :

Jean-Claude Bajard
C.M.I. - Universite de Provence
39 Rue F. Joliot-Curie
13453 Marseille Cedex 13


(1) Cocher les cases correspondantes