Posted to sci.math.research by Rod Downey (, September 16, 1996:

\noindent{\bf \large Conference Announcement.}

\centerline{\Huge {\bf VIC' 96}}

{\large {\bf A {\Large V}ery {\Large I}nformal {\Large C}onference
\\on Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, and Logic
be held at Victoria University 
of Wellington, New Zealand \\
on the Thursday the 5th and Friday 
the 6th December 1996.}

The conference should be seen as a satellite to DMTCS' 96
at Auckland University from 9-13 December. The plan of the conference 
is that it will be along the lines of the midwest model theory confence,
with five 50 minute lectures on each day.  
Attendees of DMTCS '96 might like to visit Wellington in the week
before. In keeping with the informality of the conference,
along the lines of Dagstuhl or Oberwolfach,
we have not settled on a programme.  
We  already have several speakers, but 
we also invite potential speakers 
with exciting results of wide interest,
to contact us asap at {\tt}, preferably with
at least extended abstracts. We ask that any lecture be different 
from the one for DMTCS' 96. In  keeping 
with the Very Informal nature of the Conference, 
the registration fee will be set at \$20 (before Nov 1)
and \$30 (after Nov 1) to cover the cost 
of morning and afternoon teas and other miscellaneous items. 

We  have 
arranged for some rooms to be held until November at
Weir House at the cost of \$40 per day (bed and breakfast)
\$50 per day (full board) or \$25 per day (twin share). 
There is a student rate of \$25 per day full board 
with student identification. We need your 
registration by Nov 1, together with 2 nights deposit
if you desire to stay in Weir House. This is refundable
up to 3 weeks before the Conference.
Otherwise, attendees 
arrange their own accomodation, although we will
help where we can with bookings, etc.
A full list of 
Wellington accomodation can be obtained from 
Richard Coles ({\tt}), who will also answer other
accomodation questions.

Beautiful Wellington is the capital  and cultural centre of New Zealand
and is about 1 hour by air, and 7-8 hours by
car from Auckland. 

The organizing and conference committee consists of 
Professors Rod Downey and Rob Goldblatt,
and Drs. Richard Coles and Geoffrey LaForte from VUW.

A second announcement listing speakers will be made 
in about a month.

\noindent{\bf {\Large Registration Form}}

\noindent{\bf {\Large Return ASAP, but by Nov 1.}}

\noindent{\bf Name}
\noindent{\bf Affiliation}


\noindent{\bf E-mail address}

\noindent{\bf Please reserve me rooms/a room at Weir House. Mark the 
appropriate option}

(i) \$40 Bed and Breakfast, Dates ...................

(ii) \$50 Full Board, Dates .....................

(iii) \$ 25 Twin Share, I am sharing with .............................\\
Dates .....................

(iv)  \$ 25 Student Rate, Full Board. 
Dates .....................


{\bf {\Large Please Return ASAP to 
to Geoff Laforte, Mathematics Dept.,
Victoria University, P. O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand.
\\Make Checks payable to ``VIC'96''}