Date:           Tue, 19 Nov 1996 09:26:53 MET
From:           DMANET <>
To:             Multiple recipients of list DMA-LIST <DMA-LIST@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject:        WG'97 Call for Paper

Call for Papers
23rd International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG '97)
Berlin, June 18 - 20, 1997

The WG workshop series looks back on a remarkable tradition. Predecessors were organized at various places in Central Europe. The workshop aims at uniting theory and practice by demonstrating how graph-theoretic concepts can be applied to various areas in Computer Science, or by extracting new problems from applications. The goal is to present recent research results and to identify and explore directions of future research. The workshop is well-balanced w.r.t. established researchers and young scientists. For many years now, the proceedings have been published in the LNCS series of Springer-Verlag.


Papers are solicited describing original results on all aspects of graph-theoretic concepts in Computer Science, e.g. structural graph theory, sequential, parallel, and distributed graph and network algorithms and their complexity, graph grammars and graph rewriting systems, graph-based modeling, graph-drawing and layout, diagram methods, and support of these concepts by suitable implementations. Various applications have been covered in previous workshops, like data structures, data bases, programming languages, tools for software construction, communications, concurrency, computer architectures, VLSI, artificial intelligence, graphics, CAD, operations research, or pattern recognition.


Submissions can be made via hard copies or via soft copies.

Hard Copies:

Authors are invited to submit 7 copies of a draft paper (approximately 10 pages) to:

Prof. Rolf H. Moehring
Fachbereich Mathematik, MA 6-1
Technische Universitaet Berlin
Str. des 17.Juni 136
D-10623 Berlin, Germany

Soft Copies:

There is the possibility of electronic submissions, but the organizers decline any responsibility for possible errors and/or printing problems. Send an e-mail with the specified subject to wg97@math.TU-Berlin.DE, Subject: SUBMISSION

The body of this e-mail should contain the following data:


You will then automatically obtain information how to download your Postscript file. The organizers will acknowledge successful prints.

Software Demos

Software demos on areas of interest for the workshop are solicited. To enroll for a software demo, send its title and a short abstract, specifying duration and possible special equipment needed, to the following address: wg97@math.TU-Berlin.DE, Subject: SOFTDEMO

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: March 1, 1997
Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 1997
Software demos: May 15, 1997
Proceedings version: August 1, 1997

Programme Committee

Organizing Committee

Contact Address

Tel.: +49-30-31425728 (Sabine Marcus)
Fax: +49-30-31425191 (attention of WG'97)
E-Mail: wg97@math.TU-Berlin.DE, Subject: INFO

Further Information

The workshop will be held at the Conference Center ``Bildungszentrum am Mueggelsee'', located on the shores of Lake Mueggelsee in the green outskirts of Berlin, about 15 km southeast of the center. The registration fee of the workshop will be appr. DM 450 (USD 300,-). It includes accomodation in single rooms, meals, coffee breaks, registration, a social event, and a copy of the proceedings to be sent out later.

The number of participants is restricted to about 100. This restriction and the type of the workshop facility guarantee a familiar atmosphere with on-site accommodation and meals and an intensive exchange of ideas. For further information please send an email to the address specified above.