We will follow essentually the same course policies as CS 473. In particular:
Students who require accommodation for a disability should work with DRES to provide Jeff with an accommodation letter as soon as possible. In particular, exam accommodations require an accomodation letter at least one week in advance. Please ask Jeff for further details.
Teams of up to three students can submit joint homework solutions. All team members should be listed on the first page of each homework submission.
Homework will be submitted on Gradescope
as separate PDF files for each problem. Exactly one team member should upload each solution and
identify all other team members.
I strongly encourse students to collaborate on homework (and practice for exams) in larger study groups, as long as each submitted solution is written independently and cites contributions from larger groups amd/or their members. Collaboration on exams is not allowed.
No late work will be accepted for any reason; the deadline is the deadline. (Remember that the lowest several homework scores will be dropped.) However, I may forgive homework or even the midterm under extreme circumstances, such as a documented disability, illness, injury, or other emergency. Please contact Jeff as soon as possible.
Whenever a homework or exam problem asks you to design an algorithm, your solution should include a clear description of the algorithm (usually in pseudocode), an analysis of the running time, and justification of correctness (if correctness is not obvious). Faster algorithms are worth more points, but only if they are correct.
Homework and exam grades will depend not only on correctness and speed, but also on clarity and style. Your solutions should be complete and mathematically precise, but at the same time, easy to understand and concise. Don't submit your first draft!
Academic integrity:
Generously cite your sources. Use your own words. Don't put your name on work that isn't yours.
Important information about university policies regarding academic integrity, anti-racism and inclusivity, disability accommodations, FERPA rights, religious observances, and sexual misconduct reporting are listed on a separate page.